Tuesday, April 17, 2007

2nd Day Blogging

Good morning,

Don't know who will be reading this or when but I am feeling inspired to write and do so with the faith and belief that it is for a grand purpose. I really want to help others to know this "truth" that I have discovered that has given me such joy and well being when I had experienced a life heretofore with so much of the opposite.It is like I have found the serum to cure all of humanities fears, worries and illnesses and I hold it in my hand. I think wouldn't it be just natural to want to share it.

Think about all the songs and stories written and prayers spoken and heart wrenching longing and asking for "Peace on earth good will toward men" and peace and good will to me, whoever "me" is. Is that you? Do you just know somehow deep within who you are that life is supposed to be good? Just look around at the magnificence of life, that you exist, that you breathe, that you can walk and talk and think, that you cannot only think and feel but that mankind, you, can translate these thoughts and feelings into symbols (letters) and words and communicate blocks of thought and write and type and "look" here we are communicating over an frickin amazing invention of man's thoughts the internet. I could go on and on and will through out the future posts about how dang amazing this life experience is, but then what about all the suffering of humanity and all the hate? But are you like me? Despite all the suffering and hate would some how believe beyond reason that the true nature of the universe is LOVE! It is. And it’s well being and freedom. That's what we all have complete access to, but because we think we are separate from it, we experience being separate from it. We are not separate from God, ever. God, good, Source, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Isis, Self, Abraham, the Universe, Love, All that is, whatever you want to call it. It makes no difference at all, only to you.

This Law of Attraction, which I will continue to explain and teach about is the answer to experiencing the reality of this KNOWING that life is indeed supposed to be good, not about suffering and pain, stress and anxiety, worry and fear, trying and striving, impressing others and desperately hoping to hold on to good feelings.

While the Law of Attraction is simple to understand and to consciously work, it takes practice allowing things to be easy and not trying to make things work through the "learned" way of action. But with the experience of success and joy it gets easier and easier and better and better. Put it this way, it doesn't take years to learn. You don't have to be a Master to experience it. Nor do you have to take workshops and seminars, all though you might enjoy some. You don't have to follow an initiation, a Guru or spend hours, days and weeks meditating. Really all you need is YOU. YOUR NAKED SELF. That's it. I mean I will recommend a few PRICELESS books, a teacher or two, but the truth is you've been working the law of attraction all your life, most likely mostly unconsciously. You are your best teacher! No one knows you better than you. No one knows if you are truly in alignment vibrationally with what you desire better than you. It is simple to tell, really! If you are feeling good, you are in alignment with your non-physical, knowing self.

Actually this next statement is so vital, I suggest you memorize it:

I am not kidding or exaggerating. I am serious. You know that when you feel good, when you are enjoying yourself, loving yourself, life and others and doing what you love, following your bliss, in the zone, in the flow, whatever you call it that you feel empowered and that things just seem "magically" to work out and go your way. This is the law of attraction.

Also, you know that when you feel like shit, things seem to turn to shit every where in your life. It's like the ceiling is brass, you run up against a brick wall, bad things happen in threes (or more), when it rains it pours, seems like your walking under a dark cloud, nothing seems to go right, it feels like your under a curse, whatever you want to call it. This is the law of attraction, too.

Also, when you don't follow your heart and you do what you think you "should" do or feel obligated to do, when you sacrifice yourself (unless you've so convinced yourself that this is necessary) you generally don't experience that positive of an experience. You may feel your life is justified, you may have pride about your sacrifices, you may think hey, I am pretty good for being responsible but you don't experience bliss or flow. And my experience is that sooner or later you will feel stressed or bitter or tired. Life just isn't energizing from this vibrational place.

But when you follow your heart, and that is honor your heart, love yourself and listen to your own inner guidance you will experience being ENERGIZED and fullfilled. And from this place you can easily and most naturally give to others because you truly have something to give.

Law of Attraction

So here goes...starting a blog...with the intention of keeping a record and sharing my experience living the art of allowing / manifesting using the law of attraction - the most powerful law of the universe.

I first learned about this just eight and a half months ago and it has transformed my life forever. I am freer and more joyful than I could have ever imagined before knowing this truth. Which is my thoughts create my reality. So do yours I will presume. In a bit longer explanation: Everything is energy, including thoughts, especially thoughts. This energy vibrates and is attracted to energy of the same vibration, hence the law of attraction. Also, put in another wonderful way: Ask and it shall be given! In other words, your life experiences cause you to want (ask) for stuff; the universe and/or your greater, eternal, non-physical self says yes and becomes a vibrational match to what you want; and when your physical you, your senses, emotions and personality becomes a vibrational match to your higher self and your stuff you allow your stuff into your physical experience. FOR REAL!!!

The only "trick" (not really a trick) but really an ART is in being a vibrational match which simple means you truly really believe you are empowered to do this. You know you truly believe you are empowered to do this by your emotions when you feel for instance joy or enthusiasm because you know you are empowered to have, do or be whatever you so desire. Believe and you receive! You don't believe when you still want and still feel anxious or frustrated or impatient.

Let's go over this again so as not to miss the significance and wonder of what I am talking about:
You can have, be or do whatever you want in your life....no, #$#%!

It is incredible...we'll not really incredible which really means unbelievable...rather I like to think its fucking awesome. Or in less street vernacular terms. It's wonderous!

This is the most powerful law in the universe. It is Law! It is the law that governs the creation of all things. Thoughts create matter. We the human race have created our reality and we continue to create it with each and every thought. It is an every changing expanding Universe.

There are no limits. There are no constraints. We are truly loved and therefore truly free to create our reality.

Unfortunately for many they have created and continue to create a reality that they don't really find satisfying. Why? How can this be? Because this law works with out exception and cannot be manipulated. So, therefore positive thinking, or wishing, or wanting, or praying doesn't create what you want, rather it continues to create the very thing or vibration it really is...wanting! But if you pray believing you shall receive. Somebody important said that, right? lol. Or in other words, wanting and then enthusiastically believing now that you wanted it is on its way. You don't know exactly how or when but it is inevitable because it is the law. Furthermore, if you are thinking or sending out a vibration that is a match to powerlessness you can bet you will attract that same vibration in your life experiences. Any emotion like depression, fear, unworthiness, anxiety, rage, jealousy and the like is a vibration of powerlessness, of not believing in your power to create your reality, so when any of us thinks those kind of thoughts we create that kind of reality.

And I promise you, if you do this it does not take long to get, create or manifest (whatever term you prefer) it. In eight and a half months I have transformed my life! I have manifested so many things.

I have come to find out there are many people who know and practice this. I didn't know that when I first began to hear about it which gave me some time to prove it to myself. Actually I was first introduced to manifesting by the author Wayne D. Dyer. I heard him speak on PBS about 5 and a half years ago. He was promoting his book, "There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem". What he said spoke to my soul and I went out the very next day and bought the book. I know it was no coincidence that I had planned to leave for a 30 day romp traveling spontaneously around the country with my then boyfriend. For those thirty days I read that book and applied the ideas Dyer proposed in my daily experience. Wow! Stuff happened. What Dyer is suggesting is that our beliefs create our reality...this is metaphysics meet spirituality. Well to sum up, I spent the next five years reading almost every Wayne D. Dyer books, some Depak Choppra books and a few other authors either had referenced. And I spent that time proving to myself whether this stuff was for real or not. I didn't have any input for others who knew anything about this stuff in my day to day experience other than these authors. That gave me the opportunity to not feel deceived, manipulated, coerced or pressured into anything I didn't KNOW to be true to me. Some times I thought this stuff, this manifesting stuff was frickin amazing and the answer to my every desire and other times I thought this stuff is bs and I didn't even think about it for months at a whack. It was a learning process. But then back in August of this year things really became clear for me.....to be continued